New Telecommunications Technologies - TVR 32200 - (Syllabus)


In this course, we explore new and emerging technologies for communications and content creation. We examine the background and evolution of new media technologies as well as their impact on marketplace structures, government policy, and societal norms. Students will study theoretical and contemporary texts on each technology then deepen their knowledge of its practical implications through collaborative laboratory projects in Artificial Intelligence, Emerging Video Formats, Podcasting, Data Driven Journalism, Game Design, Virtual Reality.

IMPORTANCE of New Telecom Tech
New media content formats, digital culture, and audience behavior are changing rapidly. Our students must be informed of the latest movements and innovations. Technology and tools are constantly improving and changing overtime. Our students must learn how to choose the right tools and gain proficiency with lightning speed technology. The creative process and spirit of invention are universal. Our students must be exposed to this grounding truth.

VISION for New Telecom Tech
To seek out the cutting edge of new media, such as Artificial Intelligence, New Video Formats, Podcasting, Data Driven Journalism, Game Design, Virtual Reality.
(2) To explore the impact of these new media on our culture and review the history of each media to define the applicable theoretical constructs.
(3) To demystify the latest tools for these media and allow the students to build, iterate, and create EM content right away.

Designing Video Games for Social Impact - IISP 10105 - (Syllabus)

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In this course, students learn how to design video games for social impact. Video games not only entertain but can effect social good through their narrative, gameplay, and real-world calls to action.

Study Game Design & Social Impact Fundamentals
We explore the craft of game design, the tenets of organizing for social change, and the art of narrative storytelling for gaming.  Students examine real-life social impact successes to learn the universal skills for a social impact mission. Including ‘GoFundMes,’ civil rights activism, and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Complete Designs For A Social Impact Video Game
Students analyze a series of current games to learn how to match a social impact mission to video game mechanics and story elements. These include games such as Papers Please (Immigration Policy), Papo y Yo (Child Abuse), That Dragon, Cancer (Cancer Awareness), Flower (Environmental Awareness),  Florence (Relationships, Loss), and Salaam (Refugee Crisis). Finally, students collaborate in the design of their own social impact video game, story, and mission. 

(Note: No computer science experience was required for this course.)