iPhone Addiction Through Human Anatomy and Biology
Jacquline Agahigain

The Importance of the Farm Bill
Michael Alfonso

Ithaca College 101 Guide
Ellie Bloom

LGBTQ Representation on Television
Bridget Bright

Ithaca College Diversity
Michelle Britt

Speed Kills in the MLB
Benjamin Carlton

Olivia Carn

How To Take Care of Fish
Mikayla Chait

The Biggest Little Man In Sports
Jesse Chen

MIDI V.S Acoustic
Danielle Cipriano

Music Trends Over Time
Jennifer Clawson

Woman Behind the Camera 2018-2019
Sydney Corcoran

The Importance of Libraries
Lily Dearworth

How to Become a Chopped Champion
Alyssa Denger

How Often Should You Wash Your Hair
Danaya Dews

Lady Gaga's Career
Jared Dobro

Facts About Movember
Connor Duffy

Population Variations of New York and California
Alexander Eischen

How to Become a Paid Drone Pilot
Brandon Galione

Fast Fashion
Jade Hazzard

Getting Tested For STI's Is Good For Your Health
Emily Horne

Feeling Overwhelmed: Take a Break From Social Media
Curtis Hosang

Spotify V.S Apple Music
Kyle Johnson

The Hidden World of Audio Post Production
Rebeka Kashkin

Stratocasters V.S Telecasters
John Kearney

Dabbler Ducks V.S Diver Ducks
Spencer Kenny

White Claw V.S Trulys
Gabby Laccona

Bring Me the Horizon
Ryan Maloney

Instant Replay and Football
Brett Mayerson

Who's the Real Predator? Man V.S Shark
Tess Kneebone